Saturday, March 30, 2013

watch out for the carnies

The carnival is in town! Or should I say parking lot?

You can smell the mini doughnuts from the sky-train station. Mmmm...
The cherry blossoms are out!
Arm candy of the day: Forever21, Joe Fresh, Michael Kors watch and Aldo spike bracelets.

Friday, March 29, 2013

the ultimate bag

One day... after years and years of saving up... it just might happen.

Not so crazy about the white, but I LOVE the blue colour.
I need this in my life.

spring time in the city

The sun is finally showing its face around the city and everything is greener and brighter because of it. Looking forward to more gorgeous sunny days ahead.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Irish Appreciation Day... or St. Patty's Day

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, part of Granville Street was closed off for Celtic Fest downtown. I didn't stay for too long since it was really crowded but I did managed to take a few pictures with my iPhone. The big attraction was the Irish wolf hounds who were handsome and very friendly with the strangers wanting to pet their heads and take their picture. These dogs are massively tall creatures and really responsive to treats :)

An Irish type of dance/combat skit which involved crossing wooden sticks with your partner.
Hmmm... I'm pretty sure whiskey is the drink of choice for the Irish.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

hollywood north

I was wandering around downtown when I came across this scene. Hold Renfrew was being turned into a McGuire's. Apparently they're shooting a movie called Window Wonderland and after googling, found out that the actor Chyler-Leigh, who played Dr. Lexie Grey from Grey Anatomy's, is starring in this movie. She's the one in the grey plaid coat.

The sun finally decided to make an appearance later in the day. I'm hoping the sun will stay for more than a couple of hours this time around...

Friday, March 8, 2013

a walk around the neighbourhood

I found this gem of a poster during my lunch-time stroll a couple of weeks ago. I can see why it would be important to speak French with a "France" accent, versus a German one...

This little tiger came across my path asking for a tummy rub and a scratch behind the ears and I happily obliged.